Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Mathematics Everywhere

Students often ask me why must they learn Maths and how does it help them in the real world. To this question, the answer is the poster itself. Numbers are EVERYWHERE. From the time we wake up till we sleep, we are surrounded by Maths and Numbers.
For instance, when we wake up, we look at the clock and there are number digits on the clock face. At times, a time line can help us plan for the day. If we wake up at 8am and have to be in school by 11pm, we can use a timeline to plan the activities for the morning.

Tip for Parents:

Teaching of time can be fun and practical. You may ask your child to use a timeline to plan a simple activity like – It’s 8am now. You take 10 mins to eat. What time would you finish eating? What can you do for the next 20 mins? What time would it be then?
Do you realise that through the process, Mathematics becomes practical and your child is practising Mathematics without assessment books or piles of worksheets.

Activity For Child :
Look all around you. Can you find three things that are related to Mathematics? Discuss with your parents.

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