Thursday, January 22, 2009

Beanstick Activities

Another video on Numbers to 10 - How many pigs in the farm?

Here are some activities for the Packet of Beansticks that your child will be bringing home on Friday.

1) Ask the child to pick a beanstick and to count the number of beans of the stick.(Parents to cover the yellow sticker)
2) Give your child a number and ask your child to pick a corresponding beanstick.
3) Child to pick a stick and spell the numbers. Parent you may want to ask your child to write the spelling down and your child can check the spelling by turning over the stick(where there is a label with the spelling).
4) You may ask your child to match a flashcard with numbers to the correct ‘beanstick’.
5) Comparing- Ask your child to pick 2 sticks and say which stick has more or less beans or you may ask your child to pick 2 or more sticks and say which has the most and which has the least. (Variation : Before starting decide you want to play more or less. Your child picks one stick and the parent one stick. The winner is the one who has picked the correct stick as decided earlier)
6) Ask your child to pick 3 or more sticks and arrange in the ascending or descending order.

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